Votes for NHGOP Chair and Vice-Chair Recorded in Real Time

by Skip

Last night was the counting of the physical ballots for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the NH GOP (given the absolute train wreck that was the virtual Annual NH GOP Meeting.

Related: Stepanek And Tucker Win Re-Election as NHGOP Chair and Vice-Chair By Huge Margin

Zoom failed for many (most?).

Survey Monkey was a clown car after hitting the cliff on the right and then careening off the cliff to its left.

The NH GOP Executive Board approved of a plan, contra what it is written in the ByLaws, to allow for in-person voting at the NH GOP headquarters, at the City and County Committee meetings, and at Granite State Baptist in Concord yesterday.

After all that was done, the votes were tallied at Granite State Baptist Church.

GraniteGrok was asked by several of the County Committees to attend as a non-partisan and neutral observer – with cameras (three, in fact) set up to watch over the table where the ballots were verified and then counted. Given the length of time (about 2.5 hours), I have sliced out the actual vote counting here:

I will be putting up the entire video from each of the cameras later on but I figured that this was the most important one (and second shortest of any clipped out segments). As you will see:

  • All of the ballots were sorted votes for Chair with everyone verifying that all was on the level (vote counters, campaign observers) of votes for Stepanek, Hanson, and “no / blank” votes)
  • Then each candidates’ votes were counted into stacks of 25 by two of the vote counters for each candidate
  • The two vote counters then swapped stacks and recounted to verify the total votes.
  • The vote totals were then finalized.

There is another clip that I’ll be putting up – it’s from the top of the meeting where things got a bit heated. That will be the third video I will share.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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