Notable Quote - There's a reason we don't need to rejoin the Paris Accord - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – There’s a reason we don’t need to rejoin the Paris Accord


It is because we have become MORE efficient at our energy usage than the rest of the world:

In the ten years from 2008, America’s economy grew by 15 per cent but its energy use fell by 2 per cent.

This is not because the American economy is generating fewer products; it’s producing more. It is not because there is more recycling – though there is. It’s because of economies and efficiencies created by innovation…. [T]hose who say growth is impossible without using more resources are simply wrong. It will always be possible to raise living standards further by lowering the amount of a resource that is used to produce a given output. Growth is therefore indefinitely ‘sustainable’.

-Matt Ridley (How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom)

We’ve already heard from the Ruling Class that “we must cooperate with our allies” – yet, it is our allies that are falling down on the job. No, the Paris Accord only does one thing – hamstrings the US. We have already shown that we don’t need any hanger-on-ers or global agreements to do the job those others refuse to do. Instead, this is to put the US into a worse situation – making energy more expensive for us while our wealth goes offshore to “help” others that refuse to do their own hard work.

This is nothing but yet another welfare program that US taxpayers have to pay for while also paying much higher prices for everything else in our lives.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)
