The Manchester Board of School Committee is reconvening on Monday, February 8 to reconsider its transgender policy. The committee recently voted for a policy that allows male students that claim to have a female gender identity to access female bathrooms and locker rooms and compete in female sports.
Related: Manchester School Board to Revisit Controversial Policy on Transgender Students
What can you do to stop this? The Manchester Young Democrats were kind enough to share information on how to send a public comment to the committee in opposition to this awful policy. I amended their instructions as follows:
We need your help to protect
transgenderfemale students in Manchester fromdiscriminationserious harm! The Board of School Committee (BOSC) recently amended district policy toprohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identityallow male students to access female spaces and sports, but now some members of the board are trying to overturn that policy.When the BOSC meets on Monday, 2/8, they will again consider the policy. That means from now until then we need to submit as many comments
support ofin opposition to the policy as possible!First, email your public comment to Then, email your comment to the full board by clicking this link. Comments can be no longer than 400 words and must be submitted no later than Monday, 2/8 at 5 pm. They will be read aloud during the BOSC meeting on Monday.
You do not have to be a Manchester resident to submit a public comment. If you are a student or if you have a personal story to share, your story is welcomed.
Every female student deserves to access the resources they need at school without the fear of
discriminationof being ogled or sexually assaulted in the locker room or losing to a male in her own sports. We cannot let a small but vocal minority trample the rights of students, push fear and falsehoods, and overturn the progressthe BOSC isfemale students have been making in our schools.Email your message now to ensure that these
protections remain in placeattacks on female students’ rights and safety are rescinded.
Please send public comments and email the board to help protect female students in Manchester.