The 2021 Biden “Softball” Team Has Taken the Field (By Which I mean The Media).

The media is what they are, and if four years of Trump were not proof enough, their shift to an adoring Biden fanbase should seal the deal (He’s so dreamy!). Put another way, slow-pitch softball is back, and the season is four years long.

Related: Tara Reade Road to Damascus Moment – Media Bias isn’t just Some Republican Talking Point

OANN, Newsmax, the EPOCH Times, and others will get short shrift to this crap.

Lauren Wolfe NYT Chills

This is actually prophetic.

If Biden gets even a fraction of his AOC/Bernie Green Deal passed, many people are going to be cold in the winter. Chills are a good way to describe it.

It is also indicative of the thrill Chris Matthews got up his leg over Barak Obama. And the Pfizer reps have to be concerned. Sales of the little blue pill are likely to plummet inside the beltway as lefties arouse themselves over the prospect of a Democrat president once again.

All the boys will have to carry their little leather valise in front of themselves (like a bunch of Middle School Boys) to hide the swelling pride they have for their country, which is funny. The last time a Democrat was president, he spied on the media and tapped their phones (and Biden was HIS VP).

As to what the “girls” will do, the same thing. These are Democrats. The girls have penises too or wish they did.

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