Quick Thought on Georgia: We Are Royally Screwed

by Skip

Republicans won the quadfecta in New Hampshire –  (Gov., Executive Council, NH Senate, NH House) on Nov 3rd, even as the Federal delegation was lost again. And that is how Georgia is looking.

So, last night I watched the Georgia returns for the two US Senate runoff races as neither Republican had gained the 50%+1 mark on Nov 3. REALLY close that night but not quite enough. The Democrats had to win both to take control of the US Senate – the Republicans ONLY HAD TO WIN ONE of the two races and the US Senate would be a firewall. ONE of the two.

I went to bed with both Republicans in the lead by 1.5% and 3.2 %.

And woke up to learn that we are all royally screwed. Just like on Nov 3.

I had expected that while Perdue would have lost to Ossoff, that Loeffler would have beaten Warnock; with all of the other Rs that ran in that Nov 3 jungle race she’d have beaten Warnock handily.

It turned out to be real close – just 1.5%. And then it wasn’t. I expected that Perdue, with a 3% lead with 99% of the vote in, would have won.

And instead, both vote totals swapped and unless some electoral magic happens, the Democrats, again, will win the Federal races (but have lost the State level races, just like NH).

So here’s a taste of what might have been to what most certainly will be in DC:


Tuesday’s fork in the road could not offer two more distinct paths. Among ten top Senate committees, the average lifetime American Conservative Union rating for a potential GOP chairman is 87.41. Should current ranking Democrats become chairmen, their average ACU rating would be 5.66. This contrast is even starker than when I conducted this exercise in 2018: Those corresponding figures were 85.34 and 7.10.

As they say in poker, read’em and weep. Especially since there will be no Durham report, and there will be no investigation into Hunter Biden.

Be assured, however, that Trump will not be leaving DC anytime soon – the Democrats couldn’t get him while President but they certainly are going to go after him when he becomes a private citizen and hauled in front of their committees for years to come.

(H/T: The Corner)




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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