Does a “Two-State” Solution Lie in America’s Future?

Is there a solution to all this, what is it? Does a “two-state” solution lie in America’s future? Can there be a peaceful split where liberty lovers and communists part ways amicably? If so would each side then go off and create governments fitting their values and principles?

Get ‘Groked on  Parler  –  MeWe  –  Minds  –  Gab –  Twitter  –  Codias.

That may sound good but it is fantasy land. The thought of living in a country where I wouldn’t have to worry about my liberties being taken away every election cycle is attractive. Never having to interact with leftist ingrates would be an added bonus. What we have is a clash of civilizations.

Unfortunately, it would not work. Just look at a map of the 16.7% of U.S. counties that voted for Biden. There is no two-state solution that makes geographic sense. Only one county in six voted for Biden. The map is a red nation surrounding a sea of blue dots.

Fantasy versus reality

Maybe we are conjoined twins and one of us hates the other. This is not a case of having nothing in common with these people. We tolerate them because we are stuck with them. The idea that groups of Americans will break off into separate, peaceful nations of like-minded citizens is a fantasy.

That will not happen. There is no such thing as a peaceful separation. There never has been and there won’t be. The two hemispheres of this country inseparably intertwine. They are conjoined twins. Leftists and conservatives have different worldviews.

Neither can leave without killing the other. That’s something we must come to understand. We have options. Kill the bad twin or be killed by the bad twin. You cannot trust the bad twin so we are approaching the point where we must act. If we risk sleep we know we may never wake.

Forming separate countries based on ideology is not an option. However, does that mean the answer is to keep doing what we’re doing? Freedom loving conservatives have endured staggering losses. Economic reality makes separate nations untenable. We all know it.

Party politics will not provide the answer

GOP Inc. is not going to help us get where we need to be. One need only look at how quickly the Electoral College challenges were abandoned to see this. Did the need for election reform suddenly disappear? Were a few hundred Trump supporters that disruptive? Not likely. Leftists and conservatives have different belief structures.

Instead of saving free and fair elections our overlords are yammering about “insurrections” and “coup attempts.” Please spare us the drama.  The left burned the Reichstag. They are conducting massive deplatforming. They are making no pretenses about their future plans to further curb civil liberties. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

It’s time to face it. We tried this thing from the top down with Trump. It didn’t work. The bureaucracy is permanent and it is entrenched. The Deep State is too deep. Neither the political class nor the bureaucracy cares about the people… at all… any more. They do not even feign interest. So where do we go from here? Are we at a bottom? We have taken a few gut punches. We’re knocked down but we’re by no means out.

We seem to be at the bottom. So why can’t we start at the local level, and work our way up. Does your town have a mask mandate? Does the county? Organize! Fight back! Put pressure on your local officials. Run for office yourself or support someone you know to run.

The answer lies in local control

Conservatives control a majority of state and local governments. True, many have fallen victim to the Branch Covidian mask cult. They are, nevertheless, vulnerable to pressure from their constituents. The more well supported we make our local governments the more likely they are to resist federal attempts at control when it comes. And it will come from a Biden administration.

We have the answer to dealing with the current political divide. It does not include lawlessness. It does not require a devastating national separation. The answer is actually already part of our Constitution. We call it federalism.

We must rely on state and local governments. They together with our sheriffs can protect us from the coming federal tyranny. These people live, work, and worship with us. We must exert the kind of pressure that makes it harder for them to ignore us. Leftists and conservatives are capable of tolerance. We should work on that.

Stay informed, diversify your information stream

If they understand they work for us, live with us and are responsible to our community. When we do that, it will be so much harder to yield to the pressure from nameless, faceless federal bureaucrats. If and when that doesn’t work, we must use the courts to gum up the works. We’ll sue them into oblivion.

Given the events of the past week, it’s obviously past time to diversify our social networks. To that end, we need to consider using platforms and apps such as: Gab, Parler, MeWe, Minds, Gab and Codias. Look around. Diversify your presence. See what else can work for you. Find and use more than one information and communications stream.

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