Chris Sununu Has Created Two Major Problems for Himself.

Chris Sununu has created two major problems for himself. He has created a Constitutional Crisis, as the people of New Hampshire no longer trust him. They have declared that they no longer have any obligations to live under an unconstitutional form of government currently being forced on the good people of the State of New Hampshire.

We want to thank Daniel Richard for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
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On March 14, 2020, Sununu exercised powers not delegated to him in the Constitution of New Hampshire when he decreed unconstitutional emergency powers, claiming authority over private persons and private businesses, for which the Constitution does not provide.

As Governor, Sununu has sworn an oath to support the constitution and protect the people’s rights by only enforcing the laws of the land written pursuant to the Constitution of New Hampshire.

As Governor, Sununu had a duty under Part I Bill of Rights [Art.] 37. [Separation of Powers.]

“In the government of this State, the three essential powers thereof, to wit, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, ought to be kept as separate from, and independent of, each other, as the nature of a free government will admit, or as is consistent with that chain of connection that binds the whole fabric of the Constitution in one indissoluble bond of union and amity.” June 2, 1784

As his sworn duty, he was obligated to bring his concerns over the CCP virus to the General Court, so as they may exercise their Constitutional delegated duties as defined in Part II Form of Government [Art.] 5. [Power to Make Laws…]

“…they may judge for the benefit and welfare of this state, and for the governing and ordering thereof, and of the subjects of the same, for the necessary support and defense of the government thereof…”

Eight months later, on November 3, 2020, an unconstitutional election is held by allowing resident aliens (citizens of other states) the right to vote and expanding the absentee voting provisions without the consent of the voters in direct violation of the amendment process.

By declaring the CCP virus as an emergency, he has used such an excuse to violate the Constitutional provisions again by expanding the absentee provision for voting by legislative fiat, resulting in 30.4% absentee mail-in vote instead of the previous 2 elections averaging 4%.

With no proof or authority, Sununu has bullied, threatened, and ignored the cries of the people and scared the population of this great state into a state of fear and panic over a virus that has a survival rate of over 99%. One man has forced over 1.3 million people into compiling with his guidance as law.

The Second problem, now he wants to serve another term in office. His tactics now bring onto him a new consequence. As he cannot be lawfully sworn into office as Part II, Article 85 requires;

“The oaths or affirmations shall be taken and subscribed by the governor before a justice of a New Hampshire court, in the presence of both houses of the legislature, by the senators and representatives before the governor and council for the time being,”

By scaring everyone, locking down the State House and the Constitutional function of government, the General Court will not assemble as a joint assembly of the whole as required by the Constitution.

He now claims that he can declare the CCP virus as an excuse to violate the Constitutional provisions, exempt himself from his duty and violate his oath to uphold the laws of the land faithfully.

It’s time that the good people of this State demand answers from Sununu and his co-conspirators.

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