NHGOP Committeeman Chris Ager Requests Verification Hand-Count of NH Ballots

New Hampshire GOP Committeeman Chris Ager has asked the Secretary of State’s office to hold a paper ballot hand recount of three polling places in the State. These would be compared to the reported data from election night to (potentially) mitigate concerns about election integrity (or inflame them).

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Forensic audits in other states are producing some less than reassuring results. And we’ve shared reports by local authors about the equipment and software used in the Granite State. Though I’m not sure limiting it to three “polling places” will create much in the way of assurances.

But it’s something.

I’ve suggested and heard much the same from others, that the only real test would be a statewide recount of a US House or Senate race. That would be costly and time-consuming, but it would annoy libs and RINO’s, which makes it that much more worth doing. But no one is going to throw that kind of money at a recount, so this may be the next best thing, and Ager has said he’d pay for the costs.

And maybe something shakes out.

If there’s any reasonable failure 0r a situation like the still unexplained problems in Windham, you apply pressure to expand it into a more thorough audit.

If not, we can continue on our merry way with Dems saying it’s a conspiracy theory and everyone else trying to decide if there is ever any point to completing another ballot again (which is what the Dems were after in the first place).

Here is Committeeman Ager’s letter to New Hampshire’s Secretary of State Bill Gardner.


NHGOP asks for a recount

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