Faced with a very public and probably largely attended protest in opposition to his covidism, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has canceled his outdoor inauguration ceremony. He blames armed protests outside his house and a growing concern for public safety.
Related: Newfields NH “Vigil” in Gov. Sununu’s Neighborhood Results in Fines and One Arrest [Updated]
And Public Health Safety Trump Everything!
THREAD: Today I announced that the 2021 outdoor Inaugural Ceremony has been cancelled amid ongoing public safety concerns. My first responsibility is ensuring the safety of my family and our citizens. 1/
— Chris Sununu (@GovChrisSununu) December 30, 2020
Fear appears to be the go-to excuse for things these days in the Live Fear and Die State.
I voted for him to keep Feltes out but I never cared about the inauguration or where it was to be held. But for the record, I expect the protesters will still be outside and unafraid and in greater numbers. That, I might show up to see.
They will be making the case again that the governor has overstepped his authority and suppressed their rights.
That the response has caused significant damage to the lives and livelihoods of those with nothing to fear from the Rona. That would be almost everyone of working productive age. (Pdf of NH 12-29 case summary.)

As for ‘armed protesters’ in the past, you invited a room full of them to discuss signing the bathroom bill. They were almost all armed, and you knew it. They were also unhappy about the bill, and they let you know that.
I hear things got rather heated. You signed it anyway. There was no mention of arms or objections though it was a ‘secret meeting.’
And then there’s this amazing title from a post at Free Keene. “Christopher Sununu Runs Away Like A Bitch.”
There have been protests every week for the past several weeks in the median in front of his house. There have been no physical altercations and no weapons have been brandished. Sununu brought up a trespass, and I don’t know whether or not he was informed of the details by the cops, but it was the absurd type of trespass that appears in extreme libertarian thought experiment hypos. That’s right, a person carelessly stepped one step onto the lockdown governor’s lawn, the horror.
Again, we continue to oppose the protests outside your home Gov. Sununu, in your neighborhood, and would happily report on any loser that would stoop so low as to threaten you or your family. However, I suspect there is no evidence of that.
We do not support Newfield’s making these protests illegal, fining people for expressing an opposing political opinion, even if it is at your residence.
And I think you are drunk on panic porn, and it will define you, and this only helps cement that legacy.
Fear has become a feature of your administration, and now you are milking it. You will continue to do that. We will continue to report on it. And the false fear perpetrated on the majority of Granite Stater’s, their employers, families, and their children (who have nothing to fear from the Rona), by you Mr. Big Shoulders.
One more point. If you have evidence of direct threats related to this or any policy by “armed protesters” or anyone else, we will happily report on that and seek to expose any individuals guilty of such. We disapprove of that sort of political engagement.
We’ve made similar space to any number of Democrats who claim such things. They’ve not produced any proof yet, and I’m betting you won’t either.
If you did (or they did), it would be on WMUR and the front pages of all the media covidism water-carriers.
Most of whom have fewer online readers than GraniteGrok.com. Certainly fewer Republican readers.
The offer is there.
And congratulations.
You can decide what that means.