Facebook Doodlings: Math is a Harsh Mistress - Granite Grok

Facebook Doodlings: Math is a Harsh Mistress

Math is a harsh mistress because it doesn’t lie. Eeither everything “adds up”, squares the circle, balances the equation (put in your own phrase here) or it doesn’t work. What can be outside of that is peoples’ perceptions.

So, this meme is correct. This current WuFlu bill only hands out $600 per person (adults or dependent children) this time around. But then rants about what countries are getting how much more than any “individual American” is getting and that list, in the bill, gets quite long and the amount large.


Stimulus bill they hate you


I dryly noted, that someone else showed a bit of anti-semitism:

Commenter #2: $500 M to Israel

I had to laugh – gee, not just here but ALL the complainers about this bill were all about how much was going to other places and not to Americans. Now, at the end of his term, has Trump finally converted the Liberals to believe in “America First”???  Hahaha!  Sadly, no.

But I couldn’t help but put a little context into the numbers:

Skip Murphy: 320M Americans X $600 = $192 Billion. Math is a hard mistress.

That’s a big number taken at the macro level – that isn’t “hate”. However, this IS:

They do hate you – because they aren’t paying it out of their own pockets. That $600 is coming out of YOUR pocket (or your grand-grandkids’) and they are smirking because you haven’t realized the obvious. They also get to say “look, we did something”. Congratulations for falling for the con once again.

Yes, President Trump R) went big on raising the adult amount to $2,000 (and get rid of the other pork to pay for it!) and Pelosi’s (D) House passed a bill to lock that in (the $2,000 only; pork was left in). Chuckie Schumer (D) in the Senate said the Dems were all in on this as well. Now, if you assume that 2/3 of Americans are adults and are eligible for the $2,000 amount (just spitballing here) that amount would be:

205M Americans X $2,000 = $410 Billion

That’s not chump change. And then we will all be saying that “Bankruptcy (or Inflation) is a harsher task master” as that amount gets us just that much closer to it on a national scale (and remember just the debt payment on the national debt is #4 biggest line item in our budget).

Yes, the States broke the economy by quarantining the healthy instead of just the sick during this WuFlu that’s killing old people over 75 than it is people 50 and younger. I keep saying that shopworn retail phrase of “you broke it, you bought it” but for how long can the Feds do this (and should they instead of making those who broke it, the States, pay for it)?

Remember, TANSTAAFL – “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” no matter how many times AOS and Bernie Sanders keep telling us we do. At some point, the Piper is going to show up and we’ll all be paying for it, one way or another.

