Antisemitism: Dems – NH Rep. Dawn Johnson Should Resign. Me to Dems – You First!

Antisemitism is a thing, and we need to keep a lid on it, but if you are a Democrat, why is it only a thing when you think you can get a Republican kicked out of office?

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New Hampshire Republican Rep Dawn Johnson shared something bad. No, not a picture of herself holding a president’s severed head. And she didn’t pretend to shoot the commander and chief or his supporters. Heck, she didn’t even start a riot or burn down minority businesses in the name of, um, minorities. And she certainly has not supported any policy that has trapped disarmed-law-abiding minorities in crime-riddled low-income neighborhoods.

These are Democrat staples, and none of them has a bad word to say about any of it. In fact, they want those policies in place here, in New Hampshire.

Then there’s that whole killing minority babies-at birth-thing. Yea, that’s Democrats too.

The Dems also have antisemites Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Well regarded Democrat women (at least one of whom is connected to election rigging) who hate Jews and support organizations that want to kill Jews.

They’ve got Linda Sarsour, who even preached to giddy NH Dems in Manchester. A founder of the ‘Women’s March.’ A movement lead by anti-semites but praised (with protests and marches by Dems in cute little pussyhats for years).

And how many Democrats are or have colluded with or tolerated Holocaust deniers? More than people who tested positive for COVID, if I had to guess.

In other words, Democrats have a lot of history here and it is safe to say their antisemitism is systemic as is their indifference to it from within their own party.

And sure, we could argue that there’s little or even no public evidence of outrage by local Dems about any of that or any actual antisemitism because the NH Media never asks them about it. Not until a Republican can be made to look guilty. But that’s neither here nor there. No Democrat has ever failed to express their opinion on something they could politicize without the media’s aid and comfort.

so, the Left doesn’t consistently demand (if at all) that unapologetic antisemites or apologists in their ranks resign.

Johnson at least apologized.

Dawn Johnson, a Republican just elected a state representative in New Hampshire, apologized for sharing a post from the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer.

“I have removed the report as it came from a source I do not agree with and thanks to a couple of people who showed me,” she said.

I have no clue who Johnson is, what she shared, or where she honestly stands on any of this. I’ve never heard of the website or whoever runs it. And if there as evidence this was a trend and not a mistake, well – we’d know about that by now. But that’s not the point I’m trying to make.

You’ve got no moral ground upon which to stand, and that makes your typically one-sided political BS look worse than usual.

If we take all of this into account, and you’d like to have any credibility on the issue, you need first to demonstrate that this one incident, for which the perp apologized and recanted, is a reflection of your history of opposition to antisemitism and not just some political party trick.

If it’s not just a trick, where did you pressure any of these lefties to apologize or retract a published item or remark?

I’m not expecting you to send me proof becasue if you did, then you’d have to accept Dawn’s apology and retraction and go on your way, and just like antisemitism, that’s not what this is about.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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