Reminder: Request a Face Mask/Covering Medical Exemption Card Today!

Reminder: has medical mask exemption “cards” on a lanyard that you can wear and display when you go out in public. These are available to anyone in New Hampshire or who will be in the Granite State and needs one.

Related: Mandatory Masks Emergency Order, Loophole, and……Fundraising!

It includes the New Hampshire Emergency Order #74 Medical Exemption rules on a laminated placard and a statement in Big Friendly Letters, “I have one or more medical conditions that prohibit me from wearing a mask or face covering.” And yes, as an afterthought, I should have added ‘Don’t Panic’ to the Design.

Under EO 74#, you are not required to explain your exemption, and this is also included on the front of the card by quoting the Emergency Order verbatim.

Your “conditions” and “exemptions” are between you, your doctor, your maker, or the world, regardless of what they may be. We are simply providing the tool to help you communicate this when in public.

Front and Back view of the placard, appx. 4.5 in wide by 6″ long, on a lanyard, so you can wear it around your neck. It might make a great stocking stuffer.

UPDATE: for each request I have to now add a $4 Post Office fee as they’ve jacked up their prices. Sorry I have to do it.

How to get one:

Donate the amount indicated today to, and we will send this to you (we pay shipping/postage).

One time donation:

  • $10  One-time donation – Lanyard with Laminated the List of Exceptions to the ‘Mandatory’ Mask Order
  • $15  One time donation – Three(3) Lanyards with the List of Exceptions to the ‘Mandatory’ Mask Order

Recurring monthly donation:

  • $5   Recurring Automatic Monthly Donation – Five (5) Laminated Placards with Lanyard
  • $10 Recurring Automatic Monthly Donation – Five (5) Laminated Placards with Lanyard + Grok Hat
  • $25 or more Recurring Automatic Monthly Donation – Five (5) Laminated Placards with Lanyard + Grok Hat + Grok Shirt.

Any money raised after material costs goes to to cover operating costs, including server fees, equipment or software upgrades, and other costs to maintain daily content delivery to our readers.

Donate Page

Note: Changed the title from “Get your” to “Request a” – While the meaning colloquially is similar you will not get the card today if you donate today. But we will try to process the request the day you donate and send it out that or the next business day.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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