Covidlages - Granite Grok


Recently, I proposed the Let Children Be Children Act, a legal framework that would let people who want other people to take responsibility for them to voluntarily regain the legal status of children in order to become wards of the state.

That framework is supported by a low-cost plan for providing food and shelter for these ‘children’ in residential group homes.

I noted that one of the benefits of doing this, for the children at least, would be that by tightly controlling who and what goes in and out of these facilities, it would be possible to create ‘COVID-free’ zones, where residents could avoid being scared out of their minds by the prospect of being sentenced to death by the next person who drifts a little too close to them at the grocery store.

This suggests that one way to allow the fearful and the freedom-loving to co-exist would be to set up ‘Covidlages’, which would run along the same model.  That is, the people who agree with His Excellency that ‘public health trumps everything’ could segregate themselves in these facilities, but footing the bill privately instead of foisting it on taxpayers.  This would allow everyone else to live like adults, making their own assessments of risk and reward and acting accordingly.

The alternative — trying to make every public space into a ‘safe space’ — is like trying to cover the world in leather to avoid wearing shoes.
