“The Best is yet to Come!”

by Skip

Passed on to my by a friend:

This is one of the best political ads by any political party that I have ever seen.

Note: the ad states that this campaign ad is being banned by Facebook.  That is true.  But it is also true that Facebook has banned all political and issue ads one week before Election Day in their effort to limit misinformation.

It’s a pity that that this ad won’t be seen by as many people and that our freedom of speech  is being controlled like this.

The Left is all about how bad America and Americans have been and are today. Only if we “convert” (or more likely, be “re-educated” by them) can America be what it should be (in their eyes). Sorry, the American vision has always been aspirational and with all things considered, a force for good. I grow weary at these self-appointed moralistic SJWs that can never see that goodness – only what they consider to be bad.

I liked the cut of this ad’s jib – we should have more of it!

(H/T: Sue)

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