Blogline of the Day – Muttering….

by Skip

Even some of the pundits on the Left have admitted that Trump’s main opponent in the first Presidential Debate wasn’t the guy across from him but the guy whose back was facing the audience – moderator Chris Wallace, Never Trumper from Fox News.

Related: Trump Declared the KKK a Domestic Terrorist Group Days Before the Debate


Once more, we watched the Left pulling the strings. And the Left is complaining that Rachel Maddow was shut out from the debates?

Best tweet of Debate night:

People have said that the debate was too uncivil (or too “hot” as one person said). Me – let them go it it. But in letting the debaters go after each other like the Lincoln – Douglass debates, Wallace should have butted out – or thrown out.

Let’s just start calling him Candy Crowley (She of Romney-Obama debate fame)  from now on. Speaking of Romney, he was in definite need of some of Trump’s firepower; there’s a reason he’s been nicknamed “Mittens”.

But a nice line from James Woods.

(H/T: Daily Wire)

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