NH Primary Election Results with Some Analysis

by Skip

UPDATED AND BUMPED: Per usual, we still have precincts that have not yet presented results. I am surprised, however, that the number is as low as it is.  Not many differences from my last update from early this morning but at least a few more races have been decided. There are some surprises and personal observations from these final amounts (time to move onto other things, I am):

  • The Feltes / Selfish Socialist Volinsky race tightened overnight (a bit, but it did). I wonder about the “unity” as Feltes declared himself the winner while S.S. Volinsky was visibly steaming on WMUR last night. I’ll go there – will more “totes of votes” mysteriously show up as they seem to happen in D vs R races (a box here, a box there…)?
  • I was hoping that Karen would get at least a full 10% – that 2 digit amount would have been a validating protest vote. Between 10-15% would have been a real serious result. Close to or over 20% would have been an “Oh Crap!!!” moment for Sununu as in “How am I gonna get the conservative base back for the General Election?”.  Not to be…
  • Given the amount of money that Corky spent I’m surprised that the margin between him and The General wasn’t wider. While 8 points is nothing to sneer at at all, I would have expected more.
  • And Andy Martin proved, once again, that he IS the most experienced campaigner (as he keeps claiming) of all of the campaigners – just not in the way he keeps thinking. You’d have thought that after running so many times, he would have broken 5% of the vote. Once again, a #FAIL at #FAILING.
  • Gerard Beloin didn’t represent the Libertarian Party all that well. I went to his website and, true to form, there was much complaining about his court cases than on issues. Sad to say, but once again the NH LP has proven that they can’t campaign all that well under their own banner. As much as I have small “L” libertarian leanings with good messages that should resonate, they can’t package themselves well at all.
  • Mowers had the money and his results showed it. However, can he rally The General’s base to his cause because he probably isn’t going to have the money to go up after Pappas. How well can he switch to The General model (or going back a few years on the Democrat side, the successful model of grassroots that Carol Shea-Porter used to beat Jeb Bradley where he had all the money and she had all the boots on the ground).
  • Will Negron be able to “cash up” against a well-padded Annie The Socialist fast enough?
  • I know that Eli Clemmer dropped out to support Steve in the race – thus a low number of votes. BUT WHERE THE HECK did this still unknown, Matt Bjelobrk, get almost 7% of the vote? No campaigning, no website, no FB presence….huh?
  • Joe Kenney had a massive thumping of Kim Strathdee in Exec. Council D 1. Started fast and never looked back – almost a 60 point difference at the end. Let’s see what happens in the General.
  • Looks like even with “downshifting” a political weight class, Levenson can’t catch a break. I would have thought his previous Federal office run would have given him the name recognition to do better.
  • Janet Stevens rode whatever coattails Sunnunu had. I’m also surprised at the low vote total that Tim Comerford got – several Groksters thought much of him and personally endorsed him.


  • And THE MOST CONTENTIOUS race in the cycle on the GOP side (worse than Feltes / Volinsky by far was Wheeler vs Clegg where the former beat the latter by over 25 points. If the back and forth on social media and on GraniteGrok itself (first time things have gotten this acrimonious on the ‘Grok EVAH!). I’ve tried to craft a Free Speech environment and no one went disgusting (although I did warn both side a couple of times to not go into the sewer pipes) and all but I’m hesitant to think of the fallout between some of the Groksters.For all of the politicalese talk of “Unity”, let’s be clear – there ain’t none and hard feeling take a lot of time to heal – if they do at all. Some won’t. I’ll be watching our pages a bit more intently for a while.


  • I figured that Bob Guida was going to win but a 61 point difference was a thumping!

And that, folks, is all I’m doing on this – thanks for visiting!


As I have done in the past, I’m going to try to aggregate incoming results and keep this as up to date as I can. For instance, with 2.33% of precincts reporting in, Corky Messner holds a 51% to 41% lead over Don Bolduc.  I can’t believe that Andy Martin has 1/10 of the other two at 119 votes – who knew?  But I’ll use the word Martin keeps using about himself – experienced. So my try will be “as he has experienced in the past, he will again gain even more experience as a loser in electoral races”.

Sidenote: how are those I or GraniteGrok endorsed doing?

  • Belknap District 2 (Gilford, Meridith) – Harry Bean (1,670), Glen Aldrich (1,627),  and Norm Silber (1,356). Top 3 of 4 possible seats.
  • NH State Senate District 2 – Bob Guida – Winner
  • NH Governor – Karen Testerman – lost to incumbent Chris Sununu
  • NH US Congress CD -2 – Steve Negron – Winner over Blakenbeker a second time.

Expect repeated updates throughout the night.

Governor Race: 83.39% Precincts reporting

Chris Sununu           89.82%     Winner
Karen Testerman           9.33%

Dan Feltes                      51.63%
Andru Volinsky             48.37%


US Senate Race: 94.02% Precincts reporting

Corky Messner       50.64%           WINNER
Don Bolduc                  42.35%
Andy Martin                 4.69%
Gerard Beloin               2.32%


NH CD-1 Race: 95.61% Precincts reporting

Matt Mowers        59.71%                WINNER
Matt Mayberry         26.35%
Kevin Rondeau           6.06%
Jeff Denaro                  3.95%
Michael Callis             3.94%


NH CD-2 Race: 80.75% Precincts reporting

Steve Negron              46.8%     WINNER as Lynne Blankenbeker concedes
Lynne Blankenbeker      39.8%
Matt Bjelobrk                    7.09%
Eli Clemmer                       6.31%


NH Executive Council – District 1  92.24% Precincts reporting

Joe Kenney                     78.96%              WINNER
Kim Strathdee                21.04%


NH Executive Council – District 2    91.03% Precincts reporting

Jim Beard                       53.23%
Stewart Levenson         46.77%


NH Executive Council – District 3     100% Precincts reporting

Janet Stevens               39.95%
Bruce Crochetiere       31.93%
Tim Comerford            28.12%


NH Executive Council – District 5     75.61% Precincts Reporting

Dave Wheeler         62.89%              WINNER
Bob Clegg                      37.11%


NH State Senate – District 1   89.74% Precincts Reporting

Erin Hennessey      70.18%              WINNER
David Starr                   31.1%


NH State Senate – District 2   77.78% Precincts Reporting

Bob Guida             80.53%                 WINNER
Dave DeVoy                19.47%


NH State Senate – District 17   81.82% Precincts Reporting

John Reagan             81.83%              WINNER
Janet DelFuoco             18.17%


NH State Senate – District 18  100% Precincts Reporting

George Lambert       57.95%              WINNER
Ross Terrio                     42.05%


NH State Senate – District 20    100% Precincts Reporting

Carla Gericke             51.78%             WINNER
Jack Kenney                   48.22%


NH State Senate – District 23    100% Precincts Reporting

Bill Gannon                73.31%             WINNER
Allen Cook                      26.69%


NH State Senate – District 24    100% Precincts Reporting

Lou Gargiulo             71.61%              WINNER
Regina Barnes              28.39%

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