Notable Quote – 2020 Presidential Campaign Optics – Lesser of Two Evils?

by Skip

Biden is Presumably so exhausted from his rigorous morning routine of plug and denture maintenance that he only has energy enough to campaign fewer than two out of every three days.

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To his credit, Biden did manage to campaign for six days in a row during the first week of September. But since then, he’s ditched his own presidential campaign eight out of the last 18 days.

That’s not a good look for a man who is supposed to have energy enough to hold the most demanding office in the world.

I had a conversation with Bill Whittle on this same topic earlier this week, and Bill reminded me of his newly minted Whittle’s Law:

When they let the optics look this bad, it’s because the alternative optics would look even worse.

VodkaPundit Stephen Green

(H/T: Stephen Kruiser)

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