Military Mail-In Ballots Found Discarded in Pennsylvania – All Votes for Trump


If you are a Democrat politician the optics on Universal vote-by-mail are starting to veer from “it’s safe, it’s handled by the Government” to “Oh crap, somebody’s bringing Big Flashlights.”

Related: Trays of Mail Found in Ditch in Wisconsin (Including Absentee Ballots)

Right on cue comes yet another story of vote-by-mail ballots that are proving what we on the Right have been saying all along.  it’s rigged (reformatted, emphasis mine):

FEDS: Military Ballots Discarded In ‘Troubling’ Discovery. All Opened Ballots Were Cast For Trump.

Federal law enforcement officials have ordered that Luzerne County, in Pennsylvania, must change its practices after multiple military ballots were found discarded. Out of the ballots that were discovered to have been opened, all of them had been cast for President Donald Trump.

“The FBI has recovered a number of documents relating to military ballots that had been improperly opened by your elections staff, and had the ballots removed and discarded, or removed and placed separately from the envelope containing confidential voter information and attestation,” U.S. Attorney David J. Freed said in a letter to Shelby Watchilla, Director of Elections of Luzerne County Bureau of Elections.

“Specifically, a total of nine (9) military ballots were discovered to have been discarded,” the letter continued. “Seven (7) of those ballots when discovered by investigators were outside of any envelope. Those ballots were all cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. One (1) of those seven (7) ballots was able to be identified to an envelope that was recovered, and thereby potentially tied to a specific voter. Two (2) military ballots that had been discarded were previously recovered by elections staff, reinserted into what appeared to be their appropriate envelopes, and then resealed. Therefore, the votes cast on those two (2) ballots are unknown. Thus, is appears that three (3) of the nine (9) recovered ballots can be potentially attributed to specific voters. Six (6) of the ballots were simply removed and discarded, and cannot be attributed to a specific voter at this time.”

…“Even though your staff has made some attempts to reconstitute certain of the improperly opened ballots, there is no guarantee that any of these votes will be counted in the general election,” the letter continued.

To that last part – isn’t that the actual purpose of the Democrat hectoring that vote-by-mail is safe – safer for them?

Yes, this is a small example of a small number of ballots – but by the military? Most Democrats hate the military – I’m betting not much angst lost that their ballots were tossed.

Realize, though, that this is like the call-ins to a talk radio show – callers are but a very small part of the audience that is actually listening. More and more reports are showing up in the blogosphere of ballots just being tossed away – thus far, by members of the Postal unions that drive the trucks or otherwise have access to those ballots – and their unions have endorsed Dementia Joe and Toes Up Kamala.

After all while, the circumstantial evidence starts piling up – and just not in ditches or trash cans.

(H/T: Daily Wire)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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