Acting Less Like Elected Representatives and More Like Kings

by Skip

I do believe we’ve hit a tipping point in America – and then gone past it. Some of our elected representatives have gone off the rails, and it is because of this attitude.

Related: Wait for It: Coronavirus State Testing Issue Caused by Obama Era Overregulation

Referencing the new law criminalizing the use of plastic straws, Councilman Jesse Dominguez said, “Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”

As if these special kinds of chuckleheads know any better than the rest of us – but THEY believe they do. I was going to use this post as a source of another Data Point:

California businesses are leaving the state in droves. In just 2018 and 2019—economic boom years—765 commercial facilities left California. This exodus doesn’t count Charles Schwab’s announcement to leave San Francisco next year. Nor does it include the 13,000 estimated businesses to have left between 2009 and 2016.  The reason? Economics, plain and simple. California is too expensive, and its taxes and regulations are too high. The Tax Foundation ranks California 48th in terms of business climate. California is also ranked 48th in terms of regulatory burdens. And California’s cost of living is 50 percent higher than the national average.

That’s nice and it is important, but the real nugget is found at the end of the post:

Readers often ask me how California politicians have changed over time. An important and often overlooked factor is that politicians now have personal agendas that they aim to impose on other Californians, often without transparency or accountability. This is what is going on now with Petrovich, and is what is going on with AB 5, the new law that prevents many Californians from working as independent contractors that began on January 1.  Voters must begin to hold politicians accountable for this if California is ever able to reform.

Kings and kinglets. I dunno about you but I’m tired of elected representatives telling me what they are going to do TO me when they get elected. For instance, Dan Feltest, Progressive for NH Guv, has a lot of stuff he wants to do. So do most Progressives – they want to tell us the decisions they want to take away from us because they believe they know what is best for us. In his case, he is going to make us use “clean energy” resources only – wind, solar. My preferred energy sources, propane and wood plus reliable electricity, is of no account at all to him.

Government used to be looked at as an umpire and not an entity that has to “regulate every aspect of people’s lives“. Back then, most legislators and executive branch butt sitters knew that Government should be small and limited. If Government’s new role is to “regulate every aspect of people’s lives“, what is the difference between us and any other tinpot despot roaming the halls of the United Nations? Have we allowed ourselves, I say once again, to be lowered to merely electing those that believe their “electedness” allows them to, as the quote above says, Kings with “personal agendas” for a while?

In California, it seems so – there is no alternative Party that is useful besides the Democrat one. What the Democrats want to do nationally, they’ve already accomplished in California – a one Party State. Where else in history has any nation, once captured by a single country, ever promoted Freedom and Liberty, the ability to make one’s own Choices without the Heavy Hand of Government?

Er, none. Because in each case, it has started with someone’s “personal agenda” and then run rampant like the California wildfires are right now. Sure, the latter started innocently enough – a gender reveal party that got too hot. Same in politics – it’s always what someone wants to do that lays yet another thing about our shoulders – that’s how California’s biz environment got so bad; some busybody thinking “I’ll make things better for people” that has now morphed into the monster of “how will people make things better for us in Government“? Oh, they won’t say that, but that’s the end result.

Here’s an idea: how about putting yourselves into the background and just let decide what is best for ourselves. Protect our Rights instead of thinking you’re keeping us safe. Right now, I’d rather be kept safe from your “ministrations on my behalf”. Ya think you can accomplish that little thing – keeping yourselves in check and stop bothering the rest of us?

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