ICYMI – Trump has been nominated for TWO Nobel Peace Prizes

by Skip

Yep, the first one I caught here for the agreement that he and Jared Kuchner (+ others) forged between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Bahrain also joined in with Trump saying that other Arab nations may join in.  Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament and chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, submitted the nomination.

President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for a second time this week — this time for brokering a historic peace deal between Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo. In a Friday morning tweet, Magnus Jacobsson, a member of the Swedish Parliament, announced he was nominating the Trump administration and the two European nations for their “joint work for peace and economic development, through the cooperation agreement signed in the White House.”

“Trade and communications are important building blocks for peace,” Jacobsson wrote, sharing his letter to the Nobel Committee.

On Wednesday, the president was nominated for the prestigious award by a member of the Norwegian Parliament for helping broker a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees,” Christian Tybring-Gjedde told Fox News.

I’m betting that Obama and the Climate Muppet aren’t too happy over this but what would their beefs be? Obama didn’t do anything  other than become President and Greta Thunberg is, as far as I can tell, famous for skipping school on Fridays and for uttering “How DARE you?” that’s become quite the meme around the ‘Net.

So, how is Trump doing this? By following Einstein’s Theory of Insanity (“doing the same thing over and over expecting different results”) and doing things outside the box. For the unaware, that how most entrepreneurs work – look at the same thing but from different perspectives that no one has tried before. For instance, with the Arab peace initiatives, the Palestinians have always been the focus of negotiations – and have also been the focus of why those negotiations always failed. Seeing that the Arab world’s focus had moved on from the Israeli-Palestinian brouhahas to that of Iran and its delusions of Middle East hegemony, he saw a point in space and time for what he’s good at – arbitrage, the ability to take a profit from opportunities that others aren’t seeing.

So, he just left the Palestinians out of the loop (and most of the Arab world had gotten tired of them anyways being crybullies) and changed the diplomatic calculus completely. Again, thinking out of the box can work miracles.

The proof is in the “Result pudding”. It appears that Trump has actually accomplished in 4 years what 70 years of “diplomacy as usual stagnation” couldn’t. But will TDS deep six it? Certainly Nancy Pelosi is trying to deep six these announcements: “So, good for him for having a disthttps://twitter.com/RyanAFournier/status/1304528131865354240raction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases”.

And of course, much of the Left has lost its cookies over this – go here where, among others, the Leftist “The Atlantic” magazine is leading the Cancel Culture to cancel, no, not Trump, but the Nobel Peace Prize. How DARE they give OrangeManBad ANY recognition at all.

Biden gives no credit at all: “I think Trump is going to accidentally do something positive here, in terms of this issue of … other Arab states” making peace and establishing normal relations with Israel”.

Sorta like what Bruce Currie does here for anything not Socialist the majority of the time…


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