Portland Shooter is a Beneficiary of (Peaceful Protest™) “Catch and Release”

The Oregonian reports there is a man under investigation in a fatal shooting in Portland. His name is Michael Forest Reinoehl. He supports Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Reports say his victim is a man, Aaron Danielson. Some knew him as “Jay.”

Related:  The Portland Shooting Could be a “Flashpoint”

The suspect, Mr. Reinoehl, has a prior arrest from June. His release was nearly immediate. The arrest was for weapons charges.

From the Oregonian

The Oregonian report says, “A 48-year-old man who was accused of carrying a loaded gun at an earlier downtown Portland protest is under investigation in the fatal shooting Saturday night…”

“Michael Forest Reinoehl calls himself an anti-fascist and has posted videos and photos of demonstrations he attended since late June, accompanied by the hashtags #blacklivesmatter, #anewnation and #breonnataylor… “

“Reinoehl’s posts indicate he attended many protests in Portland that began three months ago after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis under the knee of a police officer…”

“On July 5 at one of the demonstrations, Reinoehl was cited at 2:10 a.m. in the 700 block of Southwest Main Street on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police…”

“… He was given a date to appear in court later that month, but the allegations were dropped on July 30 with a ‘no complaint,’ according to court records. The documents don’t indicate why prosecutors decided not to pursue the accusations. Reinoehl spent no time behind bars.”

The Oregonian also reports Reinoehl posted on Instagram that he was “100% ANTIFA all the way,” and included the hashtag “#blacklivesmatter.”

From the police

Portland Police Bureau described a July 5 arrest pertaining to the incident in a press release.

The police statement read, “At 10:48 p.m. [July 4], demonstrators continued launching fireworks and projectiles at the Federal Courthouse. Because of this, several windows were broken and fireworks and projectiles entered the Federal Courthouse building.”

“To protect the life and safety of personnel both inside and outside of the Federal Court House, just after 11 p.m., a riot was declared. Officers began dispersing the crowd moving demonstrators from the closed area of Southwest Broadway to Southwest 1st Avenue, Southwest Columbia to Southwest Yamhill Street…”

“…As officers dispersed the crowd, demonstrators threw bricks, mortars, M-80s, and other flammables towards them. To defend themselves from serious injury, officers used crowd control munitions and tear gas at this time.”

“Lasers were directed at Officer’s eyes, which is unlawful… Despite having moved from the closed area, demonstrators began to trickle back to Southwest 3rd Avenue, starting a large bonfire in the middle of Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street 1 a.m.”

“During the dispersal, numerous business windows were shattered by members of the crowd… Officers made several arrests, including one at Southwest Main Street and Broadway where a male fought with officers. Officers were able to get him in custody and recovered an illegally possessed loaded firearm and a knife.”


Police arrest many Portland rioters. Over the past several months they are releasing them shortly afterward. So here is the question. The local Democrat leadership is responsible for the catch and release policy.

They knew or should have known this individual was very dangerous. They did release him back onto the streets. The murder is a direct result of their negligence. Are they personally responsible?

Is this what we want in our neighborhood? Should we look forward to Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth… following the leader? The Democrat Party moves in lockstep. The Portland shooter reportedly is a “Catch and Release” beneficiary.

Is Democrat leadership what you want as your cause of death? Don’t we have to follow this to its logical conclusion? Isn’t it better to ask the question before we have to live the answer?

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