• No personal income tax- now or ever!
• No personal capital gains tax- now or ever!
• No broad-based sales tax- now or ever!
• Repeal the tax on interest & dividends that falls hardest on our seniors and savers- it is nothing less than an income tax in our state in which we claim not to have one!
• Smaller government & less government regulations
• Protect the Second Amendment & Constitutional Carry (eliminate exceptions & protect state preemption against misbehaving local officials)
• Limit voters to bona fide NH residents and enhancing election security
• Support our local police & other first responders
• Enhance our educational system
• Enhance health care choices
• Support traditional American family values
I am unafraid to speak out vociferously on these and many other important issues.
I have been endorsed by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance; Gun Owners of America; Young Americans for Liberty; ReOpen NH, the Get Involved PAC; and the Granite Grok.
Since I am retired, if elected, I pledge that I will actually show up for his job working for you and I will vote.
At least 80% of success in life is actually showing up!
If you ever have any questions, comments or suggestions, or need any assistance with problems you are having with our state government, before or after the election, please feel free to contact me personally at 603-293-0565 or by email at njs@silbersnh.com.
And feel free to view my complete profile at : www.linkedin.com/in/norman-j-norm-silber-83269522
Again, if you live in Meredith or Gilford, please make sure you vote for me, Norm Silber, in the Primary on September 8 and in the General Election on November 3.
Vote like your way of life depends on it- because it does!