If You Want Trump Gone - Think About This - Granite Grok

If You Want Trump Gone – Think About This

Trump smiling

If you like the polished, professional, presentation of the Republican National Convention over the last few nights, you might be in luck. The RNC television production is what Trump TV will look like one day, after he is no longer President of the United States.

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He will have invested eight years of his life as chief executive of America and I doubt he will simply walk away towards real estate investments and a golf club. He enjoys the battle, and he wins.

With control of his own unfiltered message through his own television program, Mr. Trump can counter his Marxist opponents in the media with a free hand. They are now exposed and easy targets. No laws pin him down.

Trump can gather a team and put out a televised product like clockwork using the nonsensical behavior of our progressive elites as a self-writing script.

He can call his show “I’m Fired – Up.”
