Oregon (Orrrign, or is it Or-a Gone), probably has its fair share of responsible adults. Self-Reliant frontier-types, none of whom are represented by the pillaging pukes in Portland. Or this dope, Congressman Peter DeFazio (Oregon CD4), who symbolically chained himself to a Letterbox so Trump couldn’t “steal it.”
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They’re trying to tear apart our Postal Service piece by piece. But Peter DeFazio is defending our right to vote (and every mailbox in America). #USPSisEssential #USPS #SaveThePostOffice pic.twitter.com/f9s6syjuA9
— Peter DeFazio (@DeFazio4Oregon) August 18, 2020
Where’s his mask? Did he sanitize that thing? Do you know how many people touch those mailboxes? Funny, I should ask. Almost no one does. That’s why the postal service has been removing ‘collection boxes’ since 2009.
They call them duplicates.
If they have more than one in a particular ‘service area’ and the collection volume is low enough, they remove the extras. This way, mail carriers do not need to drive fossil-fueled vehicles back to check every “extra box” (every damn day) when they know they will have few if any letters in them.
There’s some measure of irony in that.
A Democrat congressman, based on a fake story about a phony plot, to justify a corruptible voting process, has “chained” himself to a false narrative that protects government waste your US Postal Service is actually trying to reduce.
“They’re not getting this one,” he says with a smirk.
Can anyone say ‘Poster Child’?