COVID19: Gov Sununu is Doing it Wrong (And What Democrats Want is Worse)

The Grok has more links and data from scientists challenging the “political science” behind the response to COVID19 than anyone in NH, and we’re not about to stop. Harvard alum Yinon Weiss just unloaded a devastating data-laden thread on Twitter that destroys masking, distancing, shutdowns, and lockdowns.

Related:  Data Point – So where’s the Data that Supports NH Gov. Baby Huey’s Continued Emergency Orders? (Not Here!)

First, if something other than flattening the economy, liberty, prosperity, or posterity, was the goal, we’ve been doing it wrong. And that’s not new information. From early April into early May, evidence has been piling up faster than the fearmongering pushed by politicians and the media to keep us down. Proof that the way out is right in front of us, and the press and center-left politicians are the only things standing in our way.

And now we have more.

 You can read the full thread on Twitter.

We could get the same result as Sweden if we’d done none of the things we were made to do, and in the case of recent emergency orders, the things we’re doing.


“[W]e simply cannot ignore the fact that Sweden never shut down, never closed schools, never wore masks, and reach the same results as those who did.”


In other words, the emotions you need to feel are relief, followed by a bit of anger and frustration directed into decisive action. The action is to apply pressure to local and state governments to stop the hybrid school models, the masking mandates, and any other nonsense (like warrantless searches).

You can have your life back and oh yes, WE CAN ALL VOTE IN PERSON!

And as a reminder, if you do get sick and show symptoms, and happen to be high risk, Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc and Arithroymcin work. We don’t need universal vaccinations.

So, get to it, people.

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