So, as you may know, Governor Sununu formed a “Commission on Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency” in response to the killing of George Floyd … in Minnesota. Not because Sununu believes there is “systemic racism” in New Hampshire … he doesn’t:
Related: CNN’s Don Lemon Admits that To Black Lives Matter, not All Black Lives Matter
So exactly why do we need this commission?
This is prattle … “implicit bias” is just a different way of saying “systemic racism.” But prattle is what we’ve come to expect from Sununu every time he opens his mouth. But I digress.
After he formed his commission Sununu was criticized by an NHPR “reporter” for not having named a representative of Black Lives Matter to the commission. Sununu, being Sununu, of course immediately added a representative of Black Lives Matter:
From Ms. Tshiela’s twitter:
So, apparently, Ms. Tsheila does not believe in celebrating Independence Day. The “thread” explains why “air” does not celebrate Independence Day, which presumably is also why Ms. Tsheila doesn’t:
The quote is from a very famous speech delivered by Frederick Douglass … BEFORE the Civil War.
After the Civil War, however, the emancipated slaves treated Independence Day as a celebration of their emancipation. From the Atlantic, hardly a bastion of conservative thought:
How ironic and sad and troubling that Ms. Tsheila apparently thinks that Black Americans should not celebrate Independence Day. And that she apparently thinks that slavery makes America irreparably evil … despite the Civil War, despite Eisenhower sending troops to Little Rock in 1957, despite the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
And then there is this:
Without a Columbus there would be no United States of America. Apparently, Ms. Tsheila believes the world would be a better place without America.
Perhaps she believes here would have been no slavery but for America. This, needless to say, is nonsense. Slavery did not commence with the colonization of North America, but had existed throughout history.
Or perhaps Ms. Tsheila believes the fake-history that American Indians were all living in peaceful harmony pre-Columbus. They were not. The Aztecs and Mayans were imperialistic civilizations and waged constant war on their neighbors to obtain captives to be sacrificed to their gods. The Iroquois warred among themselves and then against the Algonquins. Also, American Indians regularly enslaved war-captives and after the arrival of the colonists also held Blacks as slaves.
And there is this:
Our nation did not kill Martin Luther King, Jr.. He was killed by James Earl Ray, likely acting alone.
To be clear, I think that Sununu’s “Commission on Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency” is just another example of Sununu trying to show how “woke” he is and/or the Sununu “co-opting” an issue, and/or padding his political resume for a run for higher office.
But giving Sununu the benefit of the doubt … that is, assuming he intends to implement the commission’s recommendations … someone who holds as much unfounded animus toward America as Ms. Tsheila should NOT be on the commission.