In the interest of reducing the spread of something-something, the Mobil Gas station near New Hampton, New Hampshire has taken “extra” precautions. They have propped both restroom doors open and placed a note by each explaining why?
Related: The CDC Decides to #WalkAway from an Earlier Recommendation
Cross-contact surface to hand (to face, mouth, or eyes) contamination, I’d guess, though I’m more inclined to think creepy weirdo bathroom peeping. As far back as May, the CDC modified its guidance on objects and surfaces.
We wrote about it four weeks ago on May 23rd. Part of that reporting included the CDC’s updated memo to the world: “[T]he CDC now includes “surfaces or objects” under a section that details ways in which the coronavirus does not readily transmit.”
In other words, you don’t need to keep the bathroom doors blocked open unless you want to look in while folks are using them, not that this is the biggest problem here. The gender-Nazi’s will lose their minds over the whole Unicorn, Stallion gender-rendering scheme. Boys. Girls. How pedestrian.
Oh, and while we’re at it, the 6-foot social distancing thing is collapsing too. There’s just no evidence to support it. In fact, a professor in the UK who is a member of an Emerging Respiratory Threat Advisory Group, claims that,
“…officials had told him they ‘did not think the British population would understand what one metre was and we could not trust them to observe it so we doubled it to be on the safe side’.”
Maybe that’s the thinking here (in the US and at the Mobil station)? Or, it could just be a creepy bathroom thing. It’s not like you have to use them unless you have to use them. And all you need do is move the trash barrel with your foot and let the door close.
If everyone else is afraid to touch the door but you, your privacy is almost guaranteed. And there’s zero chance of anyone leaving anything on the door for you to touch. That just leaves the gender Nazis who will go out of their way to make an example of you and your bigoted little drawings.
Oh, and if you look at the note on the women’s/Girls’ bathroom there’s an extra bit to clarify that you only have to leave the main door open (not the stall door). Doesn’t that sort-of, kind-of make blocking the main door open pointless, unless they just came in to wash their hands for 20-seconds? And then we’re back to the CDC guidance.