The Plandemic Movie – Excerpt: The Infections and Deaths Numbers are a Lie

People send me links and videos every day, and there’s rarely enough time to follow up on them. Don’t stop sending them; I appreciate the leads and my apologies for getting to so few of them. What I’m sharing today is fascinating, and worth our time and attention.

Related: Doctors Encouraged by CDC to Claim Death by COVID-19, …

It’s called the Plandemic Movie. You may have already received Part One. It comes with the “watch this before they take it down” tag, which often means you can ignore it. Do not ignore this. 

I downloaded part one, so I could pull clips, which we’ll share over the next few days. Consuming 3-minutes of content is a lot easier, especially for mobile users. We then have the opportunity to add a bit of disposition and to focus the debate (in each post) on that parts instead of wrestling with the whole thing.

And, in the event it does get pulled down, we’ll make all of Part 1 available.

Why are We Being Pressured?

This excerpt includes some things you may have already seen here, or elsewhere. But the Plandemic movie distills them down into a single clip that gives it more weight. 

Doctors have been taking to the internet to ask why? What’s the motivation, from the highest sources to state-level bureaucracies, to declare anyone who dies with COVID (or dies near anyone who may have had it) as having died from it?

We covered it weeks ago, here. Money. Fear. And Money. It’s your money, paid to inflate the numbers, to scare you. The numbers are not the only lie, but they are a lie. They can never be taken seriously because the goal was not to provide an honest picture to the public of infections or deaths. It was to perpetuate fear.

And while they say they are doing all this because they care about public safety, they are actually harming public health and safety. They are deliberately damaging people’s lives and livelihoods as well as their physical health – something we’ll visit in excerpt number two.

For now, here’s our first clip from Part One, the Plandemic Movie. It’s a brief 3 minutes. Watch it, then please share it.

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