A Poem About Vaccine Registries, Privacy, And New Hampshire - Granite Grok

A Poem About Vaccine Registries, Privacy, And New Hampshire

Matrix hands digital trap record registry

Dear Executive Counselors, we have a complaint
About this one certain, specific restraint.
Upon a right said to be natural, inherent
And free from intrusions by governments, errant.

Our right to privacy, is of that which we speak
Given the fact you’ve created this leak,
A right we just added to our State Constitution
Diluted two years later by your resolution.

And while it appears that you did contemplate
New Hampshire as the last vaccine registry state;
Most people would ask, why
Our rights you now flout
Was It the 1.5 million that made you sell out?

Government already knows how many vaccines were bought
Why need you now-know by whom vaccines were sought?
So, as you lament the enormity
of our citizen’s petition
When you fail to protect rights, you should expect some sedition.

So, Executive Counselors, I ask this of you,
What is your infringed upon, citizen to do?
For if unalienable rights
are free from impingement
Why is it we who must opt-out to avoid your infringement?

by Anonymous
