The Democrat’s current “other” favorite for the party nomination for president, Andrew Cuomo, is displeased with his peasants. He took away their jobs. But he can’t seem to get them their state handouts. And they have the nerve to gripe about that!
Related: Cuomo Declares New York Independence – Wants Gun Control and Green New Deal Future
They’d like his excellency to allow them to go back to work but he’s holed up under the curve he’s trying to bend next to the narratives and rhetoric of the Dempanic. A reported asked him about the problem. People trying to feed their families. But he has forbidden them going to work.
“Their point is, the cure can’t be worse than the illness itself,” the reporter continued, asking Cuomo for his reaction.
“The illness is death,” Cuomo responded, before dismissing the reporter’s assertion that extended financial strains and a broken economy would lead to suicides and other deaths rivaling COVID-19 fatalities.
Statistically, the illness is not death. Very few people who get exposed actually have symptoms and even fewer of them die. But fearmongering petty (and not so petty) tyrants with massive state debts who solve them by giving themselves raises and hiking other people’s taxes have a unique relationship to both math and state burdens placed on others.
This probably explains Cuomo’s answer to the problem of work.
The unidentified reporter pressed further, asking, “Is there a fundamental right to work if the government can’t get me money when I need it? Is there a fundamental right to go to work?”
Cutting her off, Cuomo fired back, “Sure, you want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow.”
Who decides what jobs are essential? Andrew Cuomo.
So, there is a fundamental right to work but only when defined as such but the arbitrary will of his excellency Andrew Cuomo. Who could, with the wave a disinterested hand, make any job he wanted essential. Just not yours.