Impeachment is a political exercise, not a criminal one. Regardless of the charges it ultimately serves partisan interests. The opposing party’s interests. So, Democrats are doing what? Making Donald Trump more popular by impeaching him.
Related: Democrat Impeachment Hearings are About Stopping You from Re-Electing Donald Trump
No polls show his favorability declining as this process has run its course. Even the ABC/WaPo Poll has Trump’s favorability reaching new highs.
President Trump’s approval rating has climbed to match the highest of his presidency, boosted by majority approval of his economic stewardship even as Americans remain deeply divided on whether the Senate should remove him from office, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
If you were looking for a reason to thank a Democrat, state local or Federal this might be time.
In as polite a tone as you can manage. Somber, even. Drop them a little note on Facebook.
“Thank you so much for supporting the fake impeachment of President. Aside from the economy, nothing has done more to lift his approval ratings. See you in November!” (Smiley emoji, Thumbs-Up emoji)
I’m sure they’ll love that.
Unless they pass HB1159 in New Hampshire. Then you’ll be charged with cyberbullying.
| HotAir