The Latest Hill to Die On – The Left’s Fight to Keep Boys in Girls Sports

The push to wipe out girl’s sport has been underway for a while. By redefining “girls.” Boys are being permitted to use their natural advantage to the disadvantage of girls (and women). Some NH Legislators are trying to help. Democrats have a plan to thwart them.

Related: “I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are.”

HB1251 would restrict girls’ sports and women’s sports at school and colleges in the Granite State to biological females. That was the point of Title IX, which has been subverted by the left. The hearing for this bill will begin in the House Education Committee on Tuesday, January 14, at 10:00 a.m., room 207 of Legislative Office Building. 

In my early December reporting on the bill, I wrote that,

New Hampshire Republicans, faced with a socially moderate Republican governor and a Democrat-majority legislature, have called their bluff. HB1251 would limit access to female sports programs in primary, secondary, and even higher education institutions to “female student-athletes.”

Female meaning; confirmed in a sworn statement by a physician and defined by,

(a)  The student’s internal and external reproductive anatomy;
(b)  The student’s naturally occurring level of testosterone; and
(c)  An analysis of the student’s chromosomes.

If you were not born a girl biologically, then you cannot compete in girls’ or women’s athletics.

The left, to contest this common-sense idea of biology for the purpose of protecting a girl’s Title IX rights, has raised a new banner. Chromosomal discrimination.

The politicization of opinion on sex and gender is one-sided. If a man decides he is a woman, a boy, a girl, regardless of evidence or intent, refusing to agree with that opinion is discrimination. Chromosomes are not an indication of anything. 

If chromosomes don’t matter, then DNA is irrelevant as well. Your race, origin, height, weight, physical conditions or handicaps, even age (we all deteriorate differently), become moot. 

 As for the matter at hand, I’m beginning to think this might be a constitutional free speech issue.

If gender is an expression, you have a right to it. No argument. But you do not have a right to use state power to force it on anyone else, for any purpose. And you cannot, under any circumstance, use government resources to force someone to have that opinion or change their behavior to accept it under threat of punishment.

I have a constitutional right to disagree with your gender expression. Everything that follows from that is your problem, not mine and I should not be required to embrace or accommodate that at my leisure.

But HB1251 has no interest in the first amendment ramifications of expression. It addresses the matter of Title IX.

The bill would require New Hampshire Democrats and even the governor to make a statement of approval (either way) about what it means for girls to have the opportunity Title IX created and protects.

Will the State of New Hampshire stand with girls and women or with the Marxist reengineering of the culture?

Title IX provides the right of biological women to have access to the same programs as biological boys. To benefit from such programs, physically, mentally, professionally. Allowing boys to beat girls in their sporting events deprives them of that opportunity, and the Left means to do just that.

We stand opposed, and so should you.

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