Ted Cruz – Based on Dem Testimony Congress Should have Impeached Obama

The Democrats are supposedly making their case for impeaching President Trump. Sen. Cruz, a good friend of this blog, had some thoughts to share. Not the least of which was why do they need three days when they keep repeating themselves over and over on days one and two?


It appears that the House Democrat Impeachment Managers wanted more time to repeat the same claims over and over. One of which is how dangerous it was for Mr. Trump even to consider withholding lethal aid.

Let’s pretend that happened and that Democrats are serious. That this action, not giving taxpayer money to a foreign government, is such a big deal you can impeach a president over it. That the idea of withholding lethal aid form Ukraine was simply unacceptable.

Sen. Cruz?

Several of the Democratic Manager made the case that …denying Ukraine military aid endangered lives. That it was a tremendous blow to American national security and was wrong …even a moment of delaying military aid to Ukraine risked lives.

… If there is such a compelling national security interest to give military aid to Ukraine, then what do these House Democrats have to say about the years that Barack Obama refused to give lethal military aid to Ukraine?

…based on their argument, maybe they should have impeached Obama

There’s more, including Point two, which Senator Cruz believes is a serious strategic error. Check it out below or on Twitter.


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