The Irony of Kat-Rod’s Vote-by-Mail-Fraud Bill for New Hampshire

Steve MacDonald

New Hampshire Democrats want you to vote absentee, which is to say, vote by mail. But only to New Hampshire. If you were allowed to vote by mail anywhere else, college kids and wandering Massachusetts Dems would vote where “they live,” and NH Dems would lose elections.

Related: Bedford Democrats Admit Their Party Has Been Stealing NH Elections for Years

So, why not propose a bill to allow vote-by-mail? Make it official.

There have been past efforts to let everyone vote absentee in the state, but those failed. What we need here is some incrementalism — Democrat Katherine Rogers to the rescue. Kat-Rod has a bill that would allow vote-by-mail in our local elections.

The claim here is that if we made voting easier, like theft or impeaching presidents, more Democrats would do it. 

Findings and Purpose.  The general court hereby finds that the accessibility, integrity, and efficiency of the voting system are of utmost importance to New Hampshire’s political system; however, local elections in New Hampshire, as elsewhere in the country, often suffer from very low voter participation.

I’ll admit that local election turnout is abysmal. I live in a town with 25K residents and around 18K registered voters. If 3000 show up for the town election it is a big turnout. Vote by mail, or so the thinking goes, would resolve this.

Yes, but no. Voting is a right, but like all rights, you can also choose not to participate. 

You have the right to free speech but are not required to speak. The Second Amendment secures the right to self-defense, but you are not required to own or carry a firearm. Vote by mail might create an opportunity, but at what cost?

Without digging into the weeds on vote-by-mail fraud (of which there is plenty), the problem is this. The moment you sacrifice the chain of custody, you have lost control of your vote.

Yes, Kat-Rod’s bill (HB1572) provides that towns and cities have secure public drop-off locations for your vote-by-mail ballot (if you’d rather not mail it), but then why bother? Because you lose control of custody. It’s a lot easier to misplace or find ballots should the need arise than if people vote and put them into the machine that counts them when it collects them.

And that matters.

The real goal here is to make voting by mail what you do until it becomes as automatic as the fraud that will follow. What is limited to local elections will be expanded to state and federal elections. We will incrementally use the need to increase participation as the impetus for increasing the likelihood of fraud.

So, Steve, where’s the irony you promised us?

Democrats will demand that College students paying out of state tuition be allowed to vote by mail in New Hampshire. After years of insisting that it was voter-suppression to suggest they do the same thing on to the address that Schools like UNH used to determine they were ineligible for in-state tuition.

In other words, it’s a scam.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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