IG Report – Steel Dossier Total Crap, FBI Lied to FISA Court, And it All Sounds Biased to Me

The IG report on FISA abuse by the FBI dropped today. The Left got one nugget. Horowitz suggests there was the thinnest reed of predication to open an investigation. The bare minimum standard. Not much else goes well for the FBI.

And while there is a lot more we could explore, what you really need to know can be summed up here.

“We identified multiple instances in which factual assertions relied upon in the first FISA application were inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation, based upon information the FBI had in its possession at the time the application was filed,” the report states.

The FBI lied to spy on a political campaign. Repeatedly. The original FISA and each successive one. It’s the only predicate of which you need to be aware.

This deliberate deception contradicts the presumption by the IG (IMO) that there was no evidence of political bias. The source document, the so-called Steele Dossier, the predication, was a political hit piece paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, compiled by Trump haters, investigated by them, and advertised through strategic leaks to media outlets that hate Trump.

They knew it was garbage but pressed it for years to damage the administration and any Republican who supported the President.

If the initial motivation to spy on Carter Page was not obviously biased, everything after it was. Everything. This suggests the move on Page was biased. Without it none of the rest of it is possible.

So this appears to be the most biased abuse of state power to interfere in the election and administration of a political opponent in US History. Certainly a president.

The CIA and FBI spied on a Presidential candidate and a President, knowing they had no evidence, after lying to the FISA court so they could do it.

There was no evidence, they were willing to lie to continue the surveillance (in search of anything they could use) but that’s not biased?

(Plenty more on this to follow)


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