Lousiana Dem Governor Wins Re-election

Democrat Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, defeated Republican Eddie Rispone in the runoff election yesterday to earn a second term in office. President Trump won Louisiana by 20 points in 2016 and had stumped for Rispone 3 times during the Gubernatorial Campaign. Democrats may point to this victory as a failure in the Trump base, but John Bel Edwards isn’t your normal Democrat – not by today’s standards.

According to Bel Edwards’ website, he cut taxes by over $600 million dollars during a deep budget crisis, and that has lead to growth and surplus.

Governor Edwards has made state government more efficient, cutting hundreds of millions of dollars in state government spending and reducing the number of state government contracts by 25%.


As a Democrat, the Democrat also signed into law an abortion ban after 15 weeks gestation. This puts him at deep odds with the progressive left-wing base of his party. Actually, it puts him at odds with most democrats in this country today. In Louisiana, one site reports, there are many elected pro-life Democrats.

Related: GOP Could Pick Up Seat In Louisiana Governor Runoff

If you’ve ever listened to Ben Shapiro you’ve heard him say “All Democrats had to do was not be crazy and they’d beat Trump.” (Paraphrased.) Last nights victory in LA gives more credence to that, as does the ouster of Matt Bevin in Kentucky.

However, if Democrats continue to swing to the far left and push radical progressive policies, their future is uncertain. Even Barack Obama knows this, and is telling his party not to go #TooFarLeft.

Perhaps they should take his advice, moderate Democrats seem to be winning.

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