Lyin’ Liz Warren’s “Fired for Being Pregnant” Story A Complete Fabrication

Steve MacDonald

Elizabeth Warren, like Hillary before her, lies. Not about where she got her name or taking sniper fire but about being a minority and getting fired from a teaching job for being pregnant. The second and most recent story to draw attention is also a complete fabrication.

Related: Warren Money Spent at Lemonade Stand Photo-Op Donated to March for Life

Minutes from a 1970 meeting New Jersey’s Riverdale Board of Education show Warren was unanimously approved for a second-year contract in 1970. Minutes from a meeting the next year, 1971, show Warren’s resignation was “accepted with regret.”

She likes to tell the story that she was fired because “the principal did what principals did in those days.” Except he didn’t.

But Democrat politicians do what they do, which is to lie.

The Federalist has pdfs of the actual school board meeting minutes. The relevant bits are circled for both 1970 and 1971. As noted above, Warren’s contract was renewed when she said she was fired. And they regretted her departure when she resigned.

The Federalist also provided this video to compare the stories which contradict each other.

Can any of these Democrats tell the truth? Are Americans taking notice of this party-wide embrace of open dishonesty? And do or will they realize this habit applies to their policy priorities as well?

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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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