…That being said, instead of maturely offering my perspective on why I felt the way I did, I hurled some rather distasteful insults toward those who happened to disagree with me, including Skip. I apologize to him and to anyone else I upset.
UPDATE: Karen sent in her apology – it is below in full. I consider the incident closed. Apology accepted.
The original post has been removed by me – but for the best of reasons. I have received an apology. In fact, apologies went out to a number of people from Karen Costura-Hoffman for the words for which she wrote (and I have had that confirmed by them). Let me show my part of the conversation with her:
Good evening Karen,
I can at least say thank you for reaching out. Please also known that I never, EVER have wished ill health on anyone especially those that I disagree with politically. To do so is just evil. Full Stop. I can pray that whatever it is, everything will turn out right.
I will be honest – what you called me was about the most vile thing you can call a guy. I would also be less than truthful if I didn’t tell you with all of the opproprium that the Left has thrown at me over the years, that was easily the worst. That can be both career and reputation killing – I have had other Conservative friends suffer complete family, career, and financial destruction when they’ve been accused of being that out of thin air from someone they didn’t even know existed.
I tried hard not to respond in kind on FB but I would be less than honest if I didn’t tell you that I also posted that thread on GraniteGrok as an example of what can happen to other Conservatives in such a debate (now deleted)
I have already contacted legal counsel concerning it and was directed to another lawyer that would be better positioned to assist in this kind of case. It was my intent to call him first thing in the morning – a very high profile lawyer here in NH.
However, as an Evangelical Christian, I am mindful that at times, grace must be extended even after such an action. I wish to do so in your case. Why?
You are the only person who, in all my years of blogging here in NH, after hurling such an epithet, has ever returned to apologize. The very first one. How could I not accept it- while repentence is good for the soul, I also know it is not easy on one’s sense of pride and being to do so. Yet, you did.
Decisions still have consequences, though. I am willing to take down my post and state WHY I am removing it IF you are willing to write an apology with which to replace it – the offending word(s) will totally disappear. In fact, I will take it down NOW as long as I know that a bit longer apology for my readers is inbound soon.
I would also ask, but not hold you to it, that when you see others of your political persuasion “going off the rails”, to perhaps offer a little “tone it down a tad” suggestion to them.
Fair enough?
And the call will not be made.
Again, thank you for the apology. Accepting it is also good for my soul and did put a brighter face on my long-suffering wife.
She was contrite – it seemed heartfelt. How could I not extend Grace towards her? Thus, the calls by me mentioned in the original posts will not be made.
She has agreed to the things I have asked for – she is currently writing a more formal apology that will be added to this post. I will update it when it comes in. And here it is in full:
Dear Readers,
Some of you may have had the opportunity to see a post that one of the authors of this page (Skip) kindly took down. In a nutshell, a political discussion ensued on the appropriateness of a politically-affiliated Facebook page that was created by a local constituent. There were differing opinions and the discussion became rather heated.
I stand by my opinion that the page is not appropriate. I will go so far as to say that I, personally, feel it is distasteful. Many of this site’s readers would likely disagree with me. Some nasty things were said on both sides. That being said, instead of maturely offering my perspective on why I felt the way I did, I hurled some rather distasteful insults toward those who happened to disagree with me, including Skip. I apologize to him and to anyone else I upset. I won’t go into detail, but something in my life happened that caused me to think differently about the situation and I came to realize that I didn’t like my role in it.
Politically, I used to lean very Conservative/Republican. I now consider myself a moderate Liberal (I know, ”boo, hiss!”). I have had several circumstances in my life—including some significant health diagnoses—that forced me to change my political and social perspectives. I just received some recent health news that has left me rather shaken, and I lashed out toward random people inappropriately. I should have expressed my views with more taste.
I ask one thing, readers—that we all learn from this. I don’t mean that in a rude way. Politicians in our society—on BOTH sides–have become so enamored with “one-upping” each other in the political arena when it comes to insults and “jabs.” Even 15 years ago, there was a “civility” that just isn’t there anymore. It’s an “anything goes” mentality—attack “below the belt,” go after each other’s families—it’s all fine these days.
Instead, can we just try to remember that whatever side of the political spectrum you’re on, it doesn’t hurt your case/argument to be civil and decent as you discuss it with others—even if they disagree. Let’s all stop proverbially “crossing the line” in some lame attempt to gain a little attention for a cause (politically or otherwise) we care about. Because the attention you gain will typically NOT be what you were looking for.
Karen, the Liberal from Facebook