Botched Abortion Kills Young Mom in Cleveland – Could Easily Happen in New Hampshire

So much for infrequent and safe. A 26-year old mother of a 4-year old is dead. The Autopsy states cause of death was internal hemorrhaging from her abortion procedure.

Related: In NH You Need a License to Shampoo Her Hair but Not to Perform Her Abortion

“It was reckless for Preterm to conduct Parks’ abortion in their outpatient clinic – especially since they are so prone to inflicting life-threatening injuries on women during abortions.  We have documented over two dozen medical emergencies there, and we know that is just a fraction of women who have been hospitalized after abortions at that facility,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.  “Ms. Parks had several health issues that made her a high risk patient who should have been referred for proper medical care in a hospital setting where her tubal pregnancy may have been detected.

In New Hampshire, this could easily happen. We have few if any regulations on abortion. Anyone can perform one, almost anywhere and without any required reporting. We are one of the least regulated states in the nation for the procedure. 

If women’s health is truly something the Left cares about, you’d think there would be some effort to license and regulate these procedures. But every effort is met with fierce resistance.

Does some young woman, or perhaps a mom, have to die in New Hampshire before we consider some sensible laws to protect them?

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