Identity Politics as Usual from WMUR

I saw this story a half hour ago and was going to skip writing about the Puerto Rican Governor situation, as none of it really matters.  The New Progressive Party will remain in power in Puerto Rico, the island that is so saddled with debt the United States still refuses to allow it incorporation as a State, and nothing will change.

The only thing noteworthy about this story is how WMUR-TV decided to headline it. Let’s compare and contrast CNN’s headline – where this story originally appeared – with WMUR’s.



Thank you, WMUR, for pointing out that the new Governor, the former Secretary of Justice, is indeed female.  We really couldn’t have survived without the gender/sex inserted into the headline. Surely, if CNN can avoid the identity politics, you’ll survive without it too.

(CNN) Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the oath given to former Gov. Ricardo Rosselló’s handpicked successor was unconstitutional, clearing the way for Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez Garced to become governor and prolonging the US territory’s political crisis. The unanimous decision said last week’s swearing in of attorney Pedro Pierluisi was unconstitutional because he had not been confirmed as secretary of state by both chambers of the legislature. The court said the ruling will take effect at 5 p.m. to ensure an orderly succession. Pierluisi was expected to replace the disgraced Rosselló, who stepped down as governor following weeks of protests. Rosselló named him Puerto Rico’s secretary of state, placing him next in line to become governor.

Hopefully, for Puerto Rico’s sake, the new Governor will bring some stability to the island and it’s citizens.  Lord knows they need it.



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