End Citizens United PAC Spends BIG to get ‘Big Money’ Out of Politics

A political action committee known as End Citizens United has spent a lot of big money in order to get big money out of our elections.  Typical hypocrisy from first-amendment hating democrats.

In 2016 they reportedly spent $2.1 million to defeat Sen. Ayotte, and spent $32 million in the total 2018 election cycle.  

Citizens United

Citizens United v. FEC was a landmark SCOTUS case decided in 2010 5-4, overturning lower court decisions and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act.  Essentially, it boiled down to the Supreme Court affirming political speech as a first amendment protected right.  The decision struck down regulations that made it illegal for corporations, non-profit, and labor unions to ‘electioneer’ or advocate for the victory or defeat of any candidate.

The Supreme Court was obviously correct, but it has been a hot button issue ever since, and democrats will stop at nothing to stop ‘big, evil corporations’ from spoiling their plans for a fundamental shift in our governance structure.  Even if includes taking big money to defeat republicans.

Jeanne Shaheen

Senator Shaheen has even gone as far as to co-sponsor (with all of her democrat senate counterparts, so, *real brave*) a constitutional amendment that would allow state governments to restrict your right to free speech. But, wouldn’t you know it, Senator Shaheen herself takes big SuperPAC money all the time, and also accepts donations from labor unions, and non-profits.  Ahh, the sweet smell of irony.

See here, her FEC Filings for the 2019-2020 cycle show over $150,000 from just her 5 top donors.  Four of those are PACs.  If you go a little further down that rabbit hole and look at the individual receipts by those PACs, many of the donations they receive are over the federal donation limit allowed to us plebes.  Meaning, these donors can’t give that much money straight to candidates, so they launder it through one PAC after another, until it gets into the coffers of democrat candidates.

You’ve got a better chance seeing Jeanne Shaheen vote republican than to see her give up those big campaign donations. They’d be sure to dry right up once the democrats got a chance to legislate away your first amendment rights to free political speech.  These Senate Democrats never intend to actually pass this amendment, obviously.  It’ll probably never see a vote, unless Cocaine Mitch forces a vote on it like he did with the Green New Deal.  I bet they’d all vote “present” again, and accuse republicans of using their promises against them.

Here’s the proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Democracy For All Amendment
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