Data Point – we DID drill our way to prosperity (another Obama legacy going up in flames)

by Skip

Indeed, natural gas this year will supply nearly 40% of U.S. power, about double what it provided before the shale revolution. Gas is also the backup fuel to compensate for the natural intermittency of wind and solar power: gas is needed for when “the wind is blowing” and “the sun isn’t shining.” The U.S. is now reducing its CO2 emissions faster than any country on Earth: “Thanks to Natural Gas, US CO2 Emissions Lowest Since 1985.”

Looking forward, a rapidly expanding U.S. natural gas export business (via LNG) will offer more affordable, more flexible, more reliable, and cleaner natural gas to a too slowly developing world that requires all the modern energy that it can get. Today, some 85% of the world’s population lives in still developing nations, only dreaming of the access to energy and high living standards that we Americans have enjoyed for many decades.

Yet, that’s what all the eco-socialist NGOx and their slavishly paid for politicians hate – that others will finally have a shot at a decent life.  They’d rather have them be enslaved to their present levels even as these hypocrites travel world-wide loudly proclaiming, with carbon lifestyles none of us would ever reach (well, maybe me with over a half million miles in the air over my career), that unless we go back to an 1870s lifestyle, we’re all doomed.

Because they believe we should never have been able to achieve our current lifestyles – and now we should pay penance for our so-called ecological sins.

Hey, AOC said we’ve only got 12 years – PARTY because it ain’t gonna make any difference.

(H/T: RealClearEnergy)

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