I have been remiss on putting up the videos from Brigitte Gabriel’s appearance in Nashua back on the 15th (she is the Chair of Act for America) – my apologies for getting distracted. To recap from Part 1:
This past Thursday night, GraniteGrok was asked to cover the message given by Brigitte Gabriel, Chair of Act for America. The event was hosted by the Hollis, NH chapter of Act for New Hampshire.
The Southern Policy Law Center has added Brigitte as a “hate” group which in my eyes is even more reason to listen to her commonsense information and her life’s story.
She is an EXCITING speaker – the audience “listened hard” and was quite attentive. The practice of turning to your seatmate(s) and whispering during the speech was all but non-existent.
The second post contained Parts 2, 3, and 4. And we shall continue with:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7: