Sununu: Some Bills are Going to Get Vetoed

Steve MacDonald

Rumor has it the current governor has a goal in mind. He means to veto more useless partisan legislation than any governor before him. Especially political stuff. “[M]ost of those will get vetoed, absolutely.”

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He’s referring to the arbitrary minimum wage hike, which is a few hundred folks in Concord telling every employee and business owner in the state that they are too stupid to decide among themselves what one person’s hour of labor is worth. It’ll also cost jobs and hours. Do more damage than good. That should be the Democrat’s party slogan.

Employees and employers are not as stupid as Democrat legislators. They are not as power hungry either. Mr. Sununu plans to veto that bill. Republicans are expected to sustain the veto. Democrats can’t override it without their help.

He also told NHPR that the Democrats gun bills are a no. Not gonna go there.

Again, it’s just political pandering that makes zero sense. New Hampshire is a very safe place to live. But Democrats are married to failure, proposing policies that only exist in areas with high crime rates. Granite Stater’s don’t want that.

Then there’s the built to be vetoed budget — a fat, gimmicky joke. Like a trailer packed with illegal immigrants trying to sneak across the border, it has junk stuffed in it that has nothing to do with a budget. Then, it has things that do, but that runs contrary to the evidence.

Republicans lowered business taxes. The result was more tax revenue, more jobs, more growth, higher wages. Some of it record-setting. But the left is so obsessed with their out-dated class-warfare rhetoric that they’ll do the opposite of what’s good for workers and tax revenue. Mr. Sununu has made it clear that’s not getting past him.

He’s going to need to veto several dozen bills to break the record, but the Democrats have made that possible. Most of the legislation they’ve passed is partisan and political, and New Hampshire would do well without any of it. We have to hope Governor Sununu agrees.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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