Announcement: Winnipesaukee Republicans to hold a Town Hall

by Skip

State Budget Town Hall With Legislators Planned for June 10 in Wolfeboro

On Monday June 10, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in Wolfeboro’s Great Hall, there will be a public forum with locally elected State legislators, addressing the New Hampshire State Budget.

The forum will be moderated by the Honorable Steve Schmidt of Wolfeboro, who served as Wolfeboro’s State Representative for four terms, from 2010 through 2018.

The forum will take a hard look at our State’s budget, how it is developed, where the money comes from and the major categories of spending. Participants will discuss
what’s happening currently in the legislature with efforts to develop and approve New Hampshire’s State budget for the next two years.

Along with Representative Schmidt, Speakers will include State Senator Jeb Bradley, and a panel of sitting State Legislators from Southern Carroll County. Invited as Panelists are Senator Bradley and State Representatives John MacDonald, Edie DesMarais, Glenn Cordelli and William Marsh.

Panelists will provide their views on the budget and may give updates on their respective Committee work or bills they have sponsored. There will be a question and answer session during which panelists will respond to questions from the Moderator and from the audience.

While this Town Hall will be held as a non-partisan event, panelists will be encouraged to speak their mind on spending and revenue concerns so that the public can be fully informed of their views.

Interested persons who may have topics or questions of concern that they would like addressed during the forum are encouraged to communicate their questions and issues to the Moderator, Steve Schmidt, in advance of the forum. He can be reached by email at and by phone at (603) 569-0848.

All members of the public are invited to attend. Please join your friends, neighbors and elected legislators at this important event. This is sure to be an interesting and informative evening, and a great opportunity for local residents to learn about what is happening with the State budget directly from legislators involved in the process.

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