Part 2 – Testimony on behalf of HB564 – relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones - Granite Grok

Part 2 – Testimony on behalf of HB564 – relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones

I have so many “Parts” that I’ve started and never got back to finish them up (too many Shiny (an unShiny) Objects.  I think I’m going to do a rolling project, go back and finish them up; this is one of them.  In Part 1, I started to really lay into the Democrats who want to lay more and more laws upon us and proscribing how the rest of us are supposed to behave in certain areas: “I will not comply; we will not comply“. This, as you might surmise, didn’t go over well and my Testimony, in this vein, against this bill was stopped in its tracks by the Committee Chair Cushing (D):

Please note that my prepared testimony (Part 1 is here) was dismissed by Chair Cushing (D) as being “off topic” even though NH Rep John Burt (R) admonished him that he had let others go “off topic” without comment. So near the end of a long day (and after the Republicans in the committee fought the “only an hour” time slot and the too small of a room),  I “did an audible” and went ad hoc (or as The Most Esteemed Wife put it after having both read my testimony and then listened to what was actually give, “off road” with a sly smile on her face) on the tune of “if the Left can use these types of arguments, well, so can I”.

To recap – if the Democrats won’t follow our foundational Law of our Constitutions, in both Letter and in Spirit, why should we?  If they won’t comply, why should WE comply?  The logical answer is “no, we don’t have to” but from their standpoint of control, the response is “how DARE you not do as you’re told” (as if we’re their children). Again, read Part 1 which leads directly into the following.


… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…To secure these Rights – not to water them down, not to dismiss them, and not to actively diminish them.

To secure these Rights – not to water them down, not to dismiss them, and not to actively diminish them.

We see you drifting from your First Responsibility in moving from Representing to Governing to Ruling – a most nasty and dangerous path to tread and I am afraid; a march that many Progressives are taking is straight to that last item. You may be quizzical or you actually may be getting angry at this point, but I can justify my words and not just over this hearing for a bill that once more runs contra to the plain words of the 2nd and 2-A (a quiz – can any of you actually tell me what Article 2-A says?).

How you may ask?

I have your own words. I own and run and I have made it a habit to capture quotes by those that no longer feel bound by the Constitutions or openly are dismissive of those that have elected them; people who ran past “Representing” and straight to Ruling. One represents free citizens, one rules subjects.

The following quotes (and others like them) can be found at my post “Progressives and The Proper Role of Government – and your subservience to it“. And yes, you should hear these quotes because you need to know what we, who disagree with you and them heartily, believe is absolutely wrong from both a Constitutional and moral perspective.

If I haven’t driven you to white hot anger at this point, my hope is, perhaps, to wake up a spark when you hear today what Progressives (both Democrats and a few Republicans as well) say these things either when they don’t believe the “wrong” people are listening, are committing a gaffe (the accidental telling of truth), or just don’t care. Here is how some elected Progressives view Government; to create what they will force you to comply. That only they matter and we just get in your way of remaking society in your own image instead of deciding for ourselves (remember, the quantification of Freedom is the number of choices one can make for themselves without interference):

  • Chris Pappas trying to get rid of NH’s “Live Free or Die” State motto for what it stands for.
  • Santa Barbara Progressive councilman Jesse Dominguez accidentally admitted the goal of the far-left is to rule the rest of us and Freedom be damned”: Referencing the new law criminalizing the use of plastic straws, he said: “Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”


I will stop here but TO BE CONTINUED
