Trust a Democrat


The vote

Tuesday the Senate of the United States rejected the non-binding Green New Deal resolution. The vote was 57 -0. Wait, aren’t there 100 senators? Why yes, yes there are. Do you suppose the other 43 were sick on Tuesday? Why no, no they weren’t. As it turns our 43 courageous senators, including all of them running for president, voted “present”.

The program

They courageous 43 took this position to avoid casting a vote that might be construed as taking a position. You see the program has been costed. Implementation will cost about $9 or $10 trillion dollars a year. And yes, that triples you’re your tax burden. Oh by the way, it places the government in control of every aspect of the economy. And it does so while also crippling the economy with new regulatory provisions. Can you say, “Make America Venezuela Again”?

This is an amazing act of cowardice by the Democrats as a group. Think about it, more than 100 Leftists in Congress have already endorsed the proposal. The note worthies, include Senators Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. They endorsed it but they won’t even vote for a resolution on the program. And they are campaigning on it. Truly, they are Profiles in Courage… not.

The strategy

Appearances are deceiving. The Democrats are not backing away from the Green New Deal. So don’t be fooled. The Senate Democrats’ decision, refusing to vote for their own proposal is a political stunt. The stunt is intended to confuse moderate voters. You see Democrats will need to win the support from moderate voters in 2020. So to them it is okay to lie. The ends justify the means. Understand what you are looking at.

The Leftists who are in control of the DNC have dragged the rest of the party to the extreme. This program is further left than the party has ever been before. Party leaders know that tens of millions of American voters, the ones who identify as independents or traditional Democrats aren’t willing to go off the socialist cliff with the rest of them.

So, if Democrats were to openly vote in favor of the Green New Deal, it would make those candidates virtually unelectable. The extreme Left would go ape but in major cities, but in key swing states it creates problems. If they vote against it, the most radical Leftists in the party would target the reasonable members of Congress for extermination. The Party is trying to finesse significant a conflict within the party. To Leftists, sins of omission are preferable to the truth in advancement of their pursuit of power; ends justify the means.

The Goal

From now until Election Day look for Democrats to support the Green New Deal among far-left voters. At the same time they will distance themselves from some of the more radical elements of the plan when speaking to people with commonsense. The Leftists are going to lie to moderates to help their chances in 2020. They have every intention if they seize power to pass as much of the Green New Deal as possible.


The Green New Deal isn’t about saving polar bears. It isn’t about stopping climate change. This program is about socialism. If the purpose of the plan were to halt “catastrophic” global warming the DNC wouldn’t waste time or money on it. Why? Because they are trying to implement their socialist policies. If the world really is about to end because of climate change; and it’s not, then why would anyone be concerned with a program to create universal access to healthy foods or free college tuition? Commonsense people, let’s use some.

Scientists and Democrats know that nothing we do in the United States will reduce the current level of global CO2 emissions. The rest of the world is increasing its CO2 emissions at such a high rate whatever we do will be more than offset by carbon dioxide emissions increases elsewhere. The colloquialism is it is we are “pissing into the wind”.


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