Oooh Boy, did Bernie Sanders get a slap-down last night while Congressman Kuster was dancing the Macarena in a short, embarrassing, tribute to herself.
Socialist Bernie Sanders, now wandering the hinterlands of the Democrat Party he occasionally uses to enhance his political career, was caught scowling as President Trump spelled out the future of socialism in the good old USA.
“Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country,”
ABC and CBS polls show President Trump with 76% approval for his speech!
Bronx Democrat and long-time US Senator of the victim state Vermont is having a tough time selling his socialist nonsense in 2019 because of one single aspect of socialism that will never cease to exist.
Socialist leaders almost always become very, very, wealthy. Just look at Bernie himself. He has multiple homes, an unindicted criminal wife, a steady income most people would die for, and he has never done anything in his pathetic life but try and get someone else to pay his bills, feed, and house him.
Bernie Sanders envies the Castro brothers – both billionaires.
The Soviet Union, where Bernie and his criminal wife honeymooned, is the dominion of the world’s richest man, Vladimir Putin – a billionaire multi-times over, in the few public documents we can see.
Even in lowly Venezuela former dictator Hugo Chaves has a daughter, who must have saved every bolivar of her lunch money, has at least $4 billion (In US dollars) stashed in foreign banks.
Today’s US dollar exchange rate of the Venezuela bolivar is: 1 million bolivars equals $303.62. That means Chavez’s daughter has exactly one gazillion bolivars.
African continent socialist dictators are the same; there are too many to mention.
But here is Bernie Sanders’s current situation. And he is caught in the simple facts of this case.
Bernie Sanders, the traditional hope of all socialist in America up until now, is faced with the real thing – a Boston University Economics grad socialist who could hardly pay her rent a few months ago, is now a US Congressman.
That phenom would be the socialist flavor of the month – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. And she, even though as unprepared as Bernie to debate the failure of socialism, is not afraid to walk up to an open microphone and take charge. Can we agree the media loves her?
Cortez won a seat in the US Congress by 4,000 votes out of 24,000 cast, and she is the new face of socialism in America, hands down.
Sorry Senator Bernie. Until you can explain how you became a millionaire by being a socialist, and how your wife ripped off a bank for $3 million and bankrupted a college – you lose.
Alexandra Ocasio Cortez has never done a mentionable thing in her life, so she now has the upper hand at being a real socialist.
All Bernie has left is his money and his socialist dictator haircut.