Covington School Student May Be Suing NYT, CNN, Kathy Griffin, Jim Carrey, NPR, WaPO…

Nick Sandmann’s treatment after the media and celebrities ginned up a mob of hate and death threats will likely spawn several if not a dozen or more lawsuits. We observed the beginnings of this on Jan 24, but reports suggest there is a team of seven lawyers working on this now.

As WKRC reported, an attorney working with Sandmann’s family is now taking steps toward suing media organizations that may have painted Sandmann as an aggressor in the situation. Attorney L. Lin Wood of Atlanta has sent letters to media organizations, individual reporters, and leaders of the local Catholic diocese, asking them to preserve material in preparation for a lawsuit, the report noted.

No deleting your social media feeds haters. These are now protected records for legal discovery.

Making it up and Making Them Pay

As a free speech guy, I’m very forgiving but there are exceptions. 

The media narrative on this story not just fake it’s a lie. The supposed “victim” of the Covington kids is a fake. The left, hungry to validate the lies that keep them up at night took the lies and ran wild. Rear, intimidation, hate, death threats. Against kids who didn’t do anything but the best possible thing that they could do given the actual circumstances. Smile. Sing. Smile some more.

The party of mob rule saw red (MAGA Hats) and went nuts. The chance to smear Trump, Catholics, Pro-Lifers, and yes, children. Too much to resist.

Here in New Hampshire Congressman Chris Pappas helped spread the lie. A professor at Dartmouth validated Doxxing children. And a New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services employ one Jeffery R. DeRego, advocated violence against children when he said they needed to be punched in the face.

None of them are likely to receive letters from Nick Sandmann’s legal team, but wealthy (NOH8) celebrities and fat-cat media conglomerates who fomented the lies, beware. Oh, and Presidential contender Liz Warren is on the list.

You may be writing healthy settlement checks to the Covington School and Nick Sandmann. A lesson we believe you deserve but one that will not in any way dissuade you unless it brings you to your knees.

And maybe not even then.

That’s no reason not to see it done if the law has, in fact, been violated.

Lawyer Letter on Scribd


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