New York State Moves to Emulate N.H. on Abortion

Who knew that New York would look to New Hampshire for inspiration on its abortion laws? A vote in Albany by the New York Senate does just that, 46 years to the day after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down with a thud the twin decisions Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Next stop: the abortion-friendly state Assembly. Governor Andrew Cuomo is ready to sign the measure when it reaches his desk.

From the Susan B. Anthony List via Twitter:

NY state legislature to vote on the Reproductive Health Act today – the 46th anniversary of Roe. This regressive bill would: legalize abortion until birth; allow unlicensed physicians to perform abortions; remove protections for babies born alive.

The Albany Times-Union describes the bill this way: “The state Senate voted 38-24 in favor of a bill Tuesday that would codify federal abortion rights guaranteed under Roe v. Wade and remove the procedure from the state’s criminal code.”

Meaning what? Meaning that New York law is about to look a whole lot like New Hampshire’s.

New Hampshire has state-sanctioned abortion throughout pregnancy. New Hampshire has no restrictions on who may perform abortions, and in fact a medical background is wholly unnecessary for New Hampshire abortion providers under the law. New Hampshire legislators – under both Republican and Democratic majorities – have repeatedly rejected bills that would provide protection for children born alive after attempted abortion.

Supporters of New York’s Reproductive Health [sic] Act have the votes to pass the bill, apparently. Another Gosnell-friendly state is just hours away.

Photo by Ellen Kolb: outside the U.S. Supreme Court, 1/18/19.

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